The private Auto operaters for the, Kilakarai began the first phase of its project will introduce around 6 Autos for women and children under ten. This is a new service in Kilakarai operating under the company Kilakarai private Auto ‘The concept of Ladies Auto exclusively for women and children.
The idea of starting a Auto service that caters to women only, has stem from multiple complaints by women that have been badgered by drivers and are upset about some of their experiences with male Auto drivers.. These Auto are driven by women only, as according to Islamic tradition, women do not talk to men other than those in their family, so a Auto service that provides female drivers has been enthusiastically greeted by the community.
The ‘Ladies Auto which is the official name of the service in , KLAS Kilakarai Ladies Auto Service, has also added extra features that common Auto do not offer. Ladies Auto are linked to the TransAd Communication Center, which monitors the activities through cameras in the cab. Also, these feminine Auto are equipped with a gauge to detect if the driver goes over the speed limit, one of the complaints many women passengers had on male drivers, and if it shows exceeding speeds, the driver will be subject to a fine. A panic button is also featured and is accessible to the back seat passenger to push if they felt threatened.
Not only have the advantages of these one of a kind Auto been beneficial for the woman passengers, but also for the drivers. ‘Ladies Auto has created jobs for women in an occupation and society dominated by men. Female drivers on average are less likely to get into an accident compared to their male counterparts and this has made owners of Auto companies pleased. ‘ Women are safer drivers statistically,