Air ticket fare saved for NGO: Kiran Bedi

Posted by Haja Mohideen (Hajas) on 10/20/2011

Air ticket fare saved for NGO: Kiran Bedi

Former IPS officer and Team Anna member Kiran Bedi. File Photo: Shiv Kumar Pushpakar
The Hindu Former IPS officer and Team Anna member Kiran Bedi. File Photo: Shiv Kumar Pushpakar

Allegations were levelled against Ms. Bedi, a key member of Team Anna, that she used her gallantry medal to get 75 per cent discount on Air India tickets and then submitted inflated invoices to claim full fare from the organisers who have invited her to the function.

It was also alleged that she claimed business class fare even when she was travelling in economy class.

Reacting to the allegations, Ms. Bedi told PTI, “business class travel is part of the invitation/entitlement from the event organisers/corporates I’m asked to speak at. Travelling economy is a choice despite entitlement is to ensure that savings remain with the NGO”.

“(There is) no personal gain here. Sorry to disappoint detractors trying real hard to find a smoking gun. However, I accept this kind of coverage as a part of the challenges which being in public life poses,” she said adding the money “saved” went to NGO India Vision Foundation run by her.

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