Posted by S Peer Mohamed
(peer) on 1/3/2012
Dead herring mystery for Norway as thousands wash up on beach Locals left scratching their heads after 20 tonnes of the dead creatures are found on beach in Nordreisa Norwegians have been left puzzled at the sight of thousands of dead herring carpeting a beach in the northerly district of Nordreisa with some wondering if a predator had driven them to their death or a storm had washed them ashore. Scientists were hoping to test the fish to see if they could ascertain the cause of death. Locals had more pressing concerns: how to clean up the 20 tonnes of dead creatures before they decay. For doom-mongers, the fish were the second a sign in as many days that 2012 would live up to the apocalyptic prediction of the ancient Mayans, after hundreds of blackbirds reportedly dropped dead in Arkansas.
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