The agonies of Death It is evident that when a dead part of the body is cut off, no pain is felt (just like the dead skin). But when the vital part or limb of the body is chopped or a needle is pricked into it, it feels intense pain. Because the sould and life have direct relations with each other. Since the sould permeates the whole body and runs in each limb, the affected limb feels pain in proportion to the part of soul premeated in it. How much the pain the whole soul will have to bear at the time of death, one can imagine. When a limb of the body is severed, the remaining soul survies in the whole body. As it is strong at that time, the man screams and writhes. If the entire soul is extracted, the man is de-energized and as a result of weakness cannot have even a sigh of relief. However if the body is strong, the sound varying with the vigour of the body, is produced at the time when breating becomes difficult. As soon as the vigour declines the sound fades away and every limb of the body begins to congeal gradually. the soul first of all, leaves the feet and the body is gradually deprived of it, till it leaves the mouth. It is for this reason that at first feet are benumed and then shanks and thighs are frozen. Similarly, every limb becomes insensible and suffers pain as much as is undergone when it is cut off. When the soul reaches throat, eye-sight is lost. It is for this reason that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to pray to God fir relieving him of the pangs and agonies of death. His followers also make this supplication but since they are ignorant of the pangs of death, they pray in a casual manner. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said "O Allah, Thou extract the soul from the sinews and bones and fingers, relive me from the pangs of death" According to Hadrat Hasan (may Allah be pleased with him) the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said that the pangs of death are as much painful as the wounds received by three hundred swords. Hadrat Ali (RA) used to persuade the fighters in the cause of Allah by saying that if they were not slain in the battlefield, they would die on beds. By One in Whose Hand is my life the agonies of death are more severe than the suffering caused by the infliction of a thousand strokes of sword. It is said that when Moses(PBUH) died, Almighty God asked him how did he feel the agonies of death. He replied that it seemed to him as if an alive sparrow was being rosed in sucha a way that its soul lingered in the body and it found no way to escape. He is also reported to have said that his condition was just like an alive goat which was being flayed. Hadrat 'Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported to have said that when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was going to leave this mortal world there was lying near him a cup full of water. He dipped his hand itno the cup again and again and then moistened his face, prayed to God for relieving him of the agonies of death. Hadrat Umar (RA) asked Hadrat Ka'b (RA) to describe the condition when a man is inthe throes of death. He replied "Commander of the Faithful, the wirhdrawal of the soul from the body could be compared to the pulling out of a thorny twig after thrusting it into the human body in such a way that the whole body is in the grip of terrible pain". This is the brief description of agonies of death. Besides this, there is impending dread of the horrible appearance of angel of death and his associates. The form they assume while taking the life of the sinners is so dreadful that even the strongest men cannot endure to see them. Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) desired the angel of death to show him the shape he assumes at the time of extracting the soul of the trangessors. The angel of death told him that he would not stand this dreadful sight, but Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) insisted upon that. Then the angel of death requested him to turn his face and so he did. After a moment the angel of death allowed him to see. When Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) looked up, he beheld a dark black man (like a ghost) with long and bristled up hair, clad in black apparel, emitting filthy smell his mouth and nostrils leaping out flames. No sooner did Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) see the apparition than he fainted. When he regained conciousness after a long time, the angel of death had restored his appearance. At thishe said that even if there was no calamity in store for a grangressor, the dreadful appearance of the angel of death was sufficient to cause his death. This is what falls to the lot of transgressors. But when the soul of God-fearing presons is extracted the angel of death appearns in a comely shape. Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) also expressed his desire before the angel of death to show him that comely appearance also. He saw before him a very beautiful young man dressed in a a precious and immaculate attire and diffusing fragrance. Thereupon Hadrat Ibrahim (PBUH) said: " If all the pleasures are denied to a believer at the time of his death, the appearance of such a comely shape is an adequate compensation for him". Hadrat Sufiyan Thauri (Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said that when the angel of death touches the artery of the heart of a person, he is deprived of perception, he becomes mute and forgets everything belonging to this world. The pangs of death are so severe that if a person is not overwhelmed by the hypnotic influence of death he is likely to bite those who would come to his grip. |
from "The Scene of Death and What Happens After Death"
By Khwaja Muhammad Islam |