How fortunate are these souls who are blessed with the following words from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam:

"Whoever performs Hajj for the Pleasure of Allah and therein utters no word of evil, nor commits any evil deed, shall return from it (free from sin) as the day on which his mother gave birth to him." —Bukhaari, Muslim

"Verily there shall be no reward for a Mabroor Hajj except Jannah." —Bukhaari, Muslim.

First Day: 8 Zul Hajj
  1. During the night before Fajr of 8 Zul Hajj, put on ihram, make your niyyah (intention) and recite talbiyah 3 times and pray to Allah Almighty.
  2. After Fajr, leave Makkah for Mina. However, people can go to Mina even before Fajr during the night.
  3. Today in Mina, offer Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
  4. Stay overnight in Mina.
Second Day: 9 Zul Hajj
  1. After Fajr prayer in Mina, go to Arafat.
  2. In Masjid-e-Namra, the imam leads Zuhr and Asr prayers, combined and shortened, at Zuhr time. At other places in Arafat, similarly combine these two salats or offer them at their proper times with jama’at.
  3. Wuquf-e-Arafat or standing until sunset.
  4. At Maghrib time, without offering Maghrib prayer, leave for Muzdalifah.
  5. Offer Maghrib and Isha prayers together in Muzdalifah at Isha time.
  6. Stay overnight in Muzdalifah.
Third Day: 10 Zul Hajj
  1. In Muzdalifah, after Fajr prayer and Wuquf, proceed to Mina.
  2. Throw 7 pebbles at Jamrat-ul-Aqabah.
  3. Animal sacrifice.
  4. Shave your head or cut some hair from it.
  5. Go to Makkah for Tawaf-e-Ziarat.
  6. Stay overnight in Mina.
Fourth Day: 11 Zul Hajj
  1. At any time in the afternoon, throw 7 pebbles on each of the 3 pillars starting with the first pillar, then on the middle pillar, and lastly on the pillar of Aqabah.
  2. If you could not do Tawaf-e-Ziarat yesterday, do it today.
  3. Stay overnight in Mina.
Fifth Day: 12 Zul Hajj
  1. At any time in the afternoon, throw 7 pebbles on each of the 3 pillars in he same order as was done on 11 Zul Hajj.
  2. If you could not do Tawaf-e-Ziarat earlier, it is essential to do it today before Maghrib.
  3. You can leave Mina on 12 Zul Hajj before the sun sets. If the sun sets before you are able to depart, remain in Mina for the third night and throw pebbbles again the next day.
  4. Note:
    • In Mina, Arafat and Muzdlifa, all the prayers are shortened and offered at their proper times except noted above.
    • Whenever you finish Tawaf-e-Ziarat during the night, come back to Mina for stay.
    • There are 3 obligatory acts (Fard) without which Hajj is invalid:
      1. Ihram
      2. Wuquf-e-Arafat
      3. Tawaf-e-Ziarat
  5. Before returning to your country after completing the rites of Hajj, perform the Farewell Tawaf (Tawaf al-Wida).
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