The original ancient name of the Eruvadi was "AIR PAADI".
During the ploughing season in the paddy field, the people used to
sing songs while ploughing that is why it was called as "AIR
PAADI'. But when time passed it was became "AIR VAADI" as
it is easy to pronounce.
During the period of British Rule the district collector could not
pronounce Airvaadi properly. They used to call "ERUVADI"
for example Thutukodi is called as Tutcorin and Thirunelvelli as Tinneveli.
So in English it has became "Eruvadi". Presently our politicians
call as "ERUVAI".
The history of Eruvadi
can be traced back to 1000 to 800 years. The original Eruvadi village
was situated on the southern bank of Nambi River, adjoining the temple
and the surrounding paddy fields. The small bushed wilderness on the
northern side of Nambi river was called "PULIYUR" (at present
1st street to 9th street area). The adjoining village is called "PULIYUR
KURICHI" which is next to Eruvadi.
When the time passed by; Islam started to spread at Eruuvadi. Our
ancestors felt the need for wider area ( new place ) to construct
mosque for praying and new houses to live. They started to spread
to Puliyur on the north side of the river. They planned everything
in a systematic way, so that all the streets will end at the river
bank. and constructed mosques
facing Kibla (This is a place in Mecca- Saudi Arabia where Islamic
people face during their prayers). Then created Panchyat Chavadi (where
people gather to discuss everything) to discuss and solve the problem,
disputes and hear any grievances of the village peoples. We should
be proud of our ancestors. They were very good in architecture and
town planning ( all the streets ends at the river). Our Earuvadi has
got a name as a beautiful township situated on the river bank. (Tamilakatil
aathupadukayil amaintha alakana voor - Ref: Tamilakatil Islam).
Our ancestors followed Islam and Islamic principles very strictly,
they prayed five times a day regularly, because of this they were
called "Anju vannathar" by other people (who followed other religions).
By this you can imagine how they followed Islam. (In Tamil literature
"vannam" meant for praying god regularly). So the newly settled place
on the north side of "Puliyur" is called as "PULIYUR ANJUVANNAM JAMATH",
as time and years passed by it is shortened and called as "PULIANJUVANNAM".
The above town planning
and settlement can be traced back in between 400 to 700 years. There
is a "kalvettu" near the Mimber's pillar in the Nadumuhallam
7th street mosque and the "kalvettu" at 6th street which
shows the boundaries of Eruvadi (an electrical transformer is there
at present) are the proof of the above. (Also refer: Tamilakathil
Islam). Our ancestors were excellent not only in cultivation but also
in trade and finance. They spread to near by towns and other countries
due to trading and had good connections. They developed weaving industry
in Eruvadi. The following proves the patriotism of our ancestors.
They joined with the Army of King Pandian Kulasekaran and went to
fight with Cheran King and won the battle near "PANAKUDI" when Cheran
King comes to occupy Pandian kingdom. |
By: Mohammed Shafi,
Abu Dhabi, UAE
No. 37, 6th street, Eruvadi |