1. He is the one God, Who has no partner.
2. Nothing is like Him. He is the Creator, not created, nor
a part of His creation.
3. He is All-Powerful, absolutely Just.
4. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of
worship besides Him.
5. He is First, Last, and Everlasting; He was when nothing was,
and will be when nothing else remains.
6. He is the All-Knowing, and All-Merciful,the Supreme, the
7. It is only He Who is capable of granting life to anything.
8. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon them) to guide all
of mankind.
9. He sent Muhammad (pbuh) as the last Prophet and Messenger
for all mankind.
10. His book is the Holy Qur'an, the only authentic revealed
book in the world that has been kept without change.
11. Allah knows what is in our hearts.
Some of the basic guidelines Muslims follow
in their knowledge of God:
1. Eliminate any anthropomorphism (human qualities) from their
conception of Allah. His attributes are not like human attributes,despite
similar labels or appellations.
2. Have unwavering faith in exactly what Allah and Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) described Allah to be, no more, no less.
3. Eradicate any hope or desire of learning or knowing the modality
of His names and attributes.
4. Belief totally in all the names and attributes of Allah;
one cannot believe in some and disbelieve the others.
5. One cannot accept the names of Allah without their associated
attributes, i.e. one cannot say He is Al-Hayy - 'The Living'
and then say that He is without life.
6. Similarity in names (or meanings) does not imply similarity
in what is being described (referents). As a robotic arm differs
from a human arm, so the "hand" of Allah is nothing
like a human hand, His speech is nothing like human speech,
7. Certain words are ambiguous or vague in their meanings, and
thus may be susceptible to misinterpretation. Only those meanings
that are in accordance with what is specified by Allah and His
Prophet (pbuh) are acceptable.
Since Allah alone is the Creator, it is He alone that deserves
our devout love and worship. Anything other than Him is simply
His creation. Islam holds to a strict monotheism - Allah has
no partners. Any worship and prayers directed at saints, prophets,
other human beings or nature is considered idolatry.
"When My servants ask thee concerning Me,
I am indeed close (to them).
I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on
Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in
that they may walk in the right way." Qur'an
God's kindness towards his creaturee is more than
a mother's towards her baby.